The Woods

Harlan Coben

Quick Synopsis

The bestselling author and creator of the hit Netflix drama The Stranger takes readers into the heart of family loyalty in this twisty page-turner that proves the darkest secrets are often closest to home.

Publisher’s Synopsis

Twenty years ago, four teenagers disappeared in the woods at summer camp. Two decades later, everything changes…

Paul Copeland’s sister was one of the missing teenagers. Now raising a daughter alone after the death of his wife, he balances family life with a career as a prosecutor. But when a body is found, the well-buried secrets of the past threaten everything.

Could the victim be one of the missing teenagers? Could his sister be alive? Copeland has to confront so much he left behind that summer twenty years ago: his first love, Lucy; his mother, who abandoned the family; and the secrets that his parents have been hiding…

Book Review

Harlan Coben is my go-to author when I am in a slump and finding it difficult to get into any books I pick up. His novels are fast-paced and engaging from the very first page.

The Woods is the story of Paul Copeland, a prosecutor whose sister went missing as a teenager along with a friend. Two other teens were murdered that night. Now, a body has been found near where bodies were found 20 years ago, and Copeland is determined to figure out what happened to his sister.

Without a doubt, The Woods is a captivating, suspenseful story that immediately grabs you. It, like other Coben novels, has twists even seasoned thriller readers will not see coming. However, if you have recent read Coben’s Tell No One, you may want to wait to read The Woods due to their similarities.

The Woods is one of the oldest Coben books I have read so far, and it was an interesting excerise for me to see what has change in his writing and novels since 2007 (when The Woods was published). I found that Coben has honed his craft over the years and that I prefer his more recent writing.

I think Coben’s more recent books have more developed characters and greater nuance. In addition, this book took a few more pages than usual to pull me into the story. Regardless, The Woods was a fast, fun read with an admirable protagonist and a quirky female investigator/sidekick. One of the things I enjoy about Coben’s books is his ethical, likable main characters that are out for more than themselves. Cope in The Woods is another protagonist that fits this profile. And his personal dilemma that the book ends with was great food for thought.

Overall, I enjoyed The Woods and found it to be the perfect book to pull me from my reading slump. I definitely recommended it for readers who love a fast, suspenseful read with twists that may surprise you, unless you have recently read Tell No One.


Overall Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 3 out of 5.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

Character Development

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

The Woods



Publication Date
April 17, 2007


Storygraph Rating
3.86 stars

Goodreads Rating
4.05 stars

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