The Worst Book of the Month Hint Ever?

Feeling the pressure from Aardvark Book Club, Book of the Month began to upload hints to their application sometime after the 15th of the month. (There is no consistency on which date they share hints.) In comparison to Aardvark, BOTM’s hints have been a paltry attempt. It does not seem like a lot of thought goes into them. For me, I find them more of an annoyance than joyous and excited (as I experience when Aardvark posts hints). Well, this month, BOTM has truly outdone itself… they uploaded the saddest hint I have seen. It is quite possibly the worst hint ever.

The caption does not offer context or instructions. Instead, we have a background color and some black images on top.

Part I

Since BOTM did not provide context or instructions for this hint, I am going to go with the most obvious application: these images are either part of the title or on the cover. Regarding the background color, I am curious if it represents a book or a color that is present on all the covers. I will mention that the background colors are seemingly present on The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren.

Hole? Coin?

Honestly, this could be so many things. I looked through the emojis on my phone to try to clarify the image. Since there is a hole emoji, I am going to guess that is what this is. If so, only one books comes to mind, The Ministry of Time, which deals with time travel.

Knife dripping blood

A knife dripping blood could be so many thrillers or mysteries. I know one book with knife in its name/on the cover. All others are clearly swords.

Interlocking Rings

I think two interlocking rings could signify marriage or a wedding. There are three books that come to mind:

Pair of Eyes

This could indicate eyes on the cover or be a metaphor about someone looking for something. Again, there is so little to go on.


When I saw the envelope, three books came to mind:


The shape of the snake reminds me of the caduceus. Or it could mean snake as in a con man or woman. I am guessing this is more along the lines of con women.


I looked and looked… the only book I could come up with is a book published by an Amazon imprint. I added it to the right, but I really do not think it will be a BOTM pick. The only other book is by the author Sarah Wolf.

Zero? Anti Sign?

I double checked and this is the correct direction for a zero. The no sign would be flipped in the opposite direction. Nothing comes to mind with the number zero, but I can think of one release with numbers…

And to throw us for yet another loop, BOTM updated the app once again with a new image:

Issue None

I initially drew a blank about any upcoming releases to which this could apply. But after a second look, I think it could indicate this one.

All of this being said, it is unusual for Book of the Month to post multiple sets of hints. So it is possible that all of these lime green hints are related to one book or some other kind of announcement. The text does say “something new is coming,” and I am not sure that BOTM would refer to a book as something new. Plus, if these are all indicate a separate book, there would be an unprecedented number of selections. Honestly, we will have to wait and see. If it all relates to just one book, my guess is either Swiped by L.M. Chilton or A House Like an Accordion by Audrey Burges.

Part II

To add to the confusion of the first set of hints, BOTM added a second set of three hints this morning. At least these hints give us more to work with. The headline for these hints reads, “Classified info has leaked about some of our May selections. Here’s what we were able to recover.” I am positive about books 1 and 2. Because I have not read The Return of Ellie Black, I cannot fully complete the hint for book 3. I am checking in a friend who has already read an ARC for assurance.

MISSION: Time travel
SUBJECT: General Gore
NOTES: 1847… spy.. History and the future. How do they connect?

MISSION: Kill the king
SUBJECT: …Swords?
NOTES: This alliance…

MISSION: Solve the mystery
NOTES: Fiction or truth?

3 responses to “The Worst Book of the Month Hint Ever?”

  1. I’m wondering if the green/black clues aren’t about books at all. They say “something new is coming” if you dare…

    Maybe this is some new membership perk or program?


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